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Summer Entertaining Doesn’t Need to be Unhealthy

Hosting summer events is something nearly all of us both dread and enjoy. Why not just enjoy them? The stress normally comes not only from making sure the house is clean and tidy but from keeping everyone’s plates full and delicious. Usually the immediate move is to run into the supermarket and fill the trolley with sausages, rolls, soft drinks and a few nibbles to kick things off. Believe it or not, it is possible to cater to your friends and family in a healthier way without spending a week prepping in the kitchen. Here are a few tips to make sure everyone’s health doesn’t miss out at your next event!

Pick out one mains recipe and one only

While you may be one to go for a few options to appease all your guests, this can be time consuming and will end up tiring you out before the fun has even started. Pick out one dish and one that is a ‘set and forget’ meal. These allow you to prepare a dish, set it to cook and come back in a few hours to a ready to eat meal. This may include a roast chicken, pulled pork tacos and more that can be found here. Sticking to one meal also saves you from worrying about cross-contamination.

Rely on sides

Although one main may not seem like enough for a whole crowd, it gives you time to prepare a variety of fun side dishes that can cater to each type of eater. Click here to explore some quick and healthy sides. They are simple and fill up the table with more variety.

Keep the crowd hydrated 

Choose your drinks wisely. It’s easy to overload on sugar when drinking alcoholic beverages. Instead, stick to low-sugar options like red wine or vodka sodas with fresh lime. Make sure to keep a jug of water or cask on the table throughout the meal to ensure you all stay hydrated. Serve water with a few slices of lemon that can add a healthy flavouring.




Don’t take things too seriously

Remember people are there to unwind and have a good time. It’s okay of your chicken is a little charred or your pudding didn’t quite set. The important part is that you have enjoyed being in the presence of friends and family. So take these tips to promote healthy living and become the ultimate summer host!