Brita Water

Shipping & Return

How much will I get charged for shipping?

Shipping costs are calculated by the weight and dimensions of each item as well as the final delivery address. You can calculate the estimated shipping cost to your delivery address at the check out stage.

Where do you deliver to?

Deliveries can only be made within Australia; the BRITA online store cannot accept orders from abroad. NZ residents can make purchases via NZ online store here.

Can I change my delivery address or change/cancel my order if it hasn't been shipped yet?

Unfortunately, we cannot cancel or change your order even if it hasn't been shipped yet. However, you can return or exchange your product once you've received your order.

How long will it take to receive my order?

We process orders within 2 business days and delivery can take up to 5 days after dispatch in accordance with the Australia Post shipping schedule.

Can I return my order if I'm not completely satisfied?

Yes, we offer 30 day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. So if you are not completely satisfied with the purchase, or if you have received an item that is different to what was described or is faulty, please contact our Customer Service Team to arrange a replacement or refund within 30 days of purchase date. 

Please note in any case of change of mind, you will bear the shipping costs incurred as a result of your return of a product. Please ensure you contact Customer Service to obtain a return authorisation number.

How can I arrange for a refund?

Please contact our Customer Service Team to arrange a refund within 30 days of purchase date. Please note that delivery fees paid for online orders are non-refundable for change of mind returns.

However, if you receive an item that is different to what was described, or is faulty; please contact Customer Service to arrange the return of the product and a replacement or refund.

How can I contact Customer Service?

You can contact our friendly BRITA Customer Service Team :

Australia: 1300 557 762

New Zealand: 0800 4 BRITA


Business hours in Australian EST:

Mon-Thur: 9:00am - 4:30pm

Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

or via. email at